Penginapan di Bromo | Bromo Cottage | Bromo Hotel

List of hotels in Bromo
Here's a list of hotels in the tourist area Bromo Tengger Semeru and

  • - Hotel Cafe Lava, Cemoro Lawang Bromo.
    Its location close to the entrance of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS).
  • - Hotel Cemara Indah, Cemoro Lawang Bromo
    This inn has a direct view of Mount Bromo and the bathrooms are equipped with hot water.
  • - Hotel Bromo Permai 1, Cemoro Lawang Bromo
    This inn has a direct view of Mount Bromo and the bathrooms are equipped with hot water.
  • - Hotel Lava View Lodge, Cemoro Lawang Bromo
    Is the most classy hotel in the area Cemoro Lawang. Features rooms were clean and equipped with hot water for showers.
  • - Hotel Yoschi's, Ngadisari
    An inn with typical Balinese nuance. Located approximately 3 km from Cemoro Lawang cheap enough price.
  • - Hotel Sion View Bromo, Ngadisari
    Inception is Homestay, increasing visitors to Bromo and increasing the quality of service it is now a fairly comfortable hotel for a vacation in Bromo. Located approximately 3 km from Cemoro Lawang.
  • - Hotel Nadia Sukapura Bromo
    Location Hotel Nadia is located in Sukapura, near Terminal Sukapura. About 17 miles before the location of Mount Bromo. Have enough room and has views towards Probolinggo
  • - Hotel Sukapura Permai
    The location is about 19 miles before the Mount Bromo
  • - Hotel Java Banana Bromo, Wonotoro, Sukapura
    An intimate boutique hotel with a beautiful view. With a distance of about 6 KM before fir Lawang Java Banana Bromo is a cafe and gallery at the same hostel.
  • - Bromo Cottages, Tosari, Pasuruan
    Although named cottages, actually Bromo Cottages is an upscale hotel in the area Tosari with about 100 rooms. The hotel is located in Tosari, if to Bromo through Pasuruan Strip.
  • - Hotel Prima Donna Sukapura
    Its location in the village of Probolinggo Sukapura, lakeside inn sort of inn
  • - Surya Indah Homestay
    A homestay shaped inn / guest house located in Pasuruan Wonokitri
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